Hoofprints in the Wildwood PDF Free!

Given that it’s now Witching Season all official like, I’ve been feeling Old Horney pretty strongly lately. As a bit of a tribute to him I’m making the PDF version of Hoofprints in the Wildwood free for the month of October (Possibly even indefinitely). You can download it here:

You can of course still buy the soft cover version here.
Hail the Horned One!

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18 Responses to Hoofprints in the Wildwood PDF Free!

  1. Eric Jeffords says:

    Fantastic ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. Robert Goode says:

    Downloaded. I hope to read it by year’s end. But it’s on my reading list! But between stuff on the Eleusisian Mysteries, Psalter of Cain, Veneficium and countless other fantastic books, it may be a while. And then the “brother” companion to Pomba Gira coming out in Nov, OMG BOOK OVERLOAD

    • Skyllaros says:

      I hope you enjoy! My own entries are a bit dated now… one of the reasons I like blogging, it’s easier to stay current. That’s quite a reading list! I’m envious!

  3. Spanish Moss says:

    As I thoroughly enjoyed the paper copy I have, I decided I would share you generosity in my blog today.


    โ€œRout and tout, through out and about, in the Horned Oneโ€™s Name!โ€

    Boidh se!

    -Spanish Moss
    “Lost in a thicket bare-footed upon a thorned path.”

  4. Thank you so much for this. Just what I was needing for this cold and dark month. I’m very grateful.

  5. Anne says:

    Thank you! If your interested in my own book about my Antlered Spinner, let me know.

    • Skyllaros says:

      Hi Anne! Thank you! I’d very much like to read your book! I’ve always been curious about it! I’m glad your enjoying Hoofprints.

      • Anne says:

        Shoot me an email bottledhammer @ yahoo . com, I hope you like it. Some of the poetry has already been read in ritual to Her (with only slight modifications) – it’s awesome!

  6. sanil says:

    Thank you! This book has been near the top of my list since it was released, but I haven’t been able to find a job so I can buy books. When I do, I probably will still buy the paper version, but I really appreciate being able to read it now.

    • Skyllaros says:

      Awesome Sanil, thank you. That’s one of the reasons I wanted to make it free, so that everyone could have the chance to read it if they wanted. I hope you enjoy.

  7. Pingback: Hoofprints in the Wildwood – now a free PDF download | blausternschlonge

  8. Anne says:

    Just got through half of the book – It’s an amazing work! Thank you for sharing it such a fantastic compilation!

  9. Pingback: Link round-up: October 2012 | Syncretic Mystic

  10. Ravemore says:

    Outstanding, thank you very much. It will be a jewel in my collection.

  11. Pingback: Book Review: Horned God Round-up | courageous devotion

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